Premium Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery in Austin

Premium Cataract Surgery in Austin

Premium cataract surgery in Austin, TX

We believe in constant innovation. Cataract surgery continues to ride the waves of technologic innovation. Today modern premium cataract surgery is safer and the results more precise and predictable than ever before thanks to the following advancements in techniques and technologies:

  • More advanced preoperative diagnostics (testing before surgery):
    • Corneal topography
    • Wavefront aberrometry
    • Laser optical biometry with modern intraocular lens calculation formulas
    • Zeiss Optical coherence tomography of the retina and optic nerve
    • Ultra-wide retinal imaging
  • The most advanced surgical technologies:
    • Oral sedation which obviates the need (and risks) for IV sedation
    • Modern presbyopia-correcting and astigmatism-correcting lens implants to reduce or eliminate the need for glasses after premium cataract surgery or premium lens replacement
    • Constantly improving surgical instrumentation and surgical techniques
  • Easy and convenient postoperative routines:
    • Return to a normal schedule usually within one day
    • Resume most normal activities within one day
    • Better, clearer vision without glasses within one day
    • Simple after care using one bottle of eyedrops for convenience and cost savings

Our relentless pursuit for perfecting our surgical outcomes for premium cataract surgery has shown that over 90% of patients that receive a premium presbyopia-correcting lens implant no longer rely on glasses to see far or near. Some patients will still use glasses some of the time for some occasions.

Premium Lens Implants (IOLs) in 2024
Comp Chart *Fees cover: surgeon’s fee, operating room/surgical center fee, anesthesia fees, and additional refractive surgical procedures (Eg YAG capsulotomy, LASIK, intraocular lens exchange not including the light adjustable lens) for one year after the original surgical date   Options chart *Fees cover: surgeon’s fee, operating room/surgical center fee, anesthesia fees, and additional refractive surgical procedures (Eg YAG capsulotomy, LASIK, intraocular lens exchange not including the light adjustable lens) for one year after the original surgical date

Light Adjustable Lens by RxSight video



Our Community

The Mitchel and Shannon Wong Eye Institute

The Mitchel and Shannon Wong Eye Institute

The Mitchel and Shannon Wong Eye Institute, recently created at the Dell Medical School, is poised to become a leading-edge center for training future ophthalmologists and providing patients with the best medical and surgical eye care possible.

Contact Austin Eye Today

Austin Eye

11901 Jollyville Road
Austin, TX 78759

Phone: (512) 250-2020
Fax: (512) 250-2612

Click here to fly-through our Austin Eye locations

Office Hours
Monday – Thursday 8am – 6pm
Friday 8am – Noon
Saturday/Sunday Closed

Northwest Office

11901 Jollyville Road
Austin, TX 78759

Westlake Office

2700 Bee Caves Road
Austin, TX 78746

CLICK HERE to "FLY-through" our Austin Eye locations.

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