About Our Ophthalmologists Specialist (Eye MDs) at Austin Eye
Shannon Wong, MD
Shannon Wong, MD is the CEO of Austin Eye – One of Austin’s premier practices specializing in Premium Lens Replacement, Cataract Surgery and All-Laser LASIK surgery. Austin Eye was founded in 1969 by Dr. Shannon Wong’s father – Mitchel Wong, MD who retired in 2019 after 50 years in private practice ophthalmology.
Dr. Shannon Wong is one of Austin’s most experienced ophthalmologists performing surgical vision correction procedures. He has performed well over 7,000 laser vision correction procedures and 15,000 cataract and premium lens replacement procedures. As testament to the safety and long-term benefits of Vision correction surgery, he has performed LASIK surgery for his wife and children and performed Premium Cataract Surgery on his father – Mitchel Wong, MD and his mother. His commitment to providing the highest quality care for each patient involves deploying the safest and most advanced surgical treatment for his patients while using the most advanced technologies.
Dr. Shannon Wong is an Austin native. He graduated from St. Stephen’s Episcopal School in Austin. He received his undergraduate degree from Rice University in Houston, TX. He graduated from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX before beginning his Internship at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center in San Jose, CA. His residency in ophthalmology was completed at Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia, PA where he was also the Chief Resident in Ophthalmology. He is past Chief of Ophthalmology at St. David’s Medical Center in Austin. He is currently an affiliate faculty member in the department of ophthalmology at the University of Texas at Austin Dell medical school.
Austin Eye was the first practice to perform LASIK in Austin in 1995. We were also the first ophthalmologists providing all-laser iLASIK in Austin in 2002.
In addition to iLASIK, Dr. Shannon Wong routinely performs cataract and premium lens replacement surgery. Most procedures are done at the Austin Eye Laser and Surgicenter located at 2700 Bee Cave Road in Austin. Since 2004, he has been using advanced technology lens implants to enable seamless vision far, near and in-between without glasses. Bausch and Lomb has recognized Shannon Wong and Austin Eye as a cataract surgery center of excellence. Over the past 17 years, he has used advanced technology lenses in thousands of patients with excellent results to date. In 2012, Dr. Shannon Wong performed the first laser cataract surgery procedure in Austin. Laser cataract surgery is designed to make cataract surgery outcomes more precise, predictable and safe.
Dr. Wong’s focus is on surgical vision correction – primarily premium lens replacement and premium cataract surgery, LASIK surgery and management of problems associated with intraocular lenses. He is skilled and considered an expert in management of complex surgery to the lens, iris and cornea.
Dr. Shannon Wong has been recognized by the Summit Autonomous Society for ranking among the highest volume LASIK surgeons in the United States. He has been recognized by the Intralase Corporation as a pioneer in iLASIK surgery. His expertise in surgical vision correction has been featured in news reports in the Austin American Statesman, the Austin Business Journal, Fox 7 News, KXAN (NBC) news, and KVUE (ABC) news over the past 23 years. Austin Monthly magazine has recognized Shannon Wong as a “Top Doctor” in Ophthalmology from 2019-2022. Texas Monthly magazine selected Dr. Shannon Wong as an Ophthalmology “Super Doctor” in every year from 2012-2021.

In 2016, Dr. Shannon Wong and his wife Betty along with his parents – Dr. Mitchel and Rose T. Wong – and his brothers made a transformative gift to the University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School to found the Mitchel and Shannon Wong Eye Institute (MSWEI). The mission of the MSWEI is to create a world-renowned center where doctors learn and provide and patients receive the finest medical and surgical eye care possible, where research leads to the improvement and preservation of vision, and ophthalmologists of the future are trained to become leaders in ophthalmology.
Dr. Shannon Wong serves as an Affiliate Faculty member in Ophthalmology at the University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School where he is actively involved in teaching the next generation of medical doctors and ophthalmologists.
As part of his endeavor to share his experience and teach, he shares his thoughts and opinions on his YouTube channel:
www.youtube.com/shannonwongmd and on Twitter @ShannonWongMD.
Dr. Wong and his wife Betty have 3 sons.
If you are a patient of Dr. Shannon Wong and would like to share your opinion, click here.

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The Mitchel and Shannon Wong Eye Institute

The Mitchel and Shannon Wong Eye Institute, recently created at the Dell Medical School, is poised to become a leading-edge center for training future ophthalmologists and providing patients with the best medical and surgical eye care possible.
Contact Austin Eye Today

11901 Jollyville Road
Austin, TX 78759
Phone: (512) 250-2020
Fax: (512) 250-2612
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Office Hours
Monday – Thursday 8am – 6pm
Friday 8am – Noon
Saturday/Sunday Closed
Northwest Office
11901 Jollyville Road
Austin, TX 78759
Westlake Office
2700 Bee Caves Road
Austin, TX 78746