Top Signs You Might Need Cataract Surgery Sooner Than You Think

Cataracts typically develop around age 40-50, but it’s rare to experience symptoms at that point. Over the years, cataracts continue growing slowly – and that’s why the symptoms can sneak up on you. By age 65, many people experience significant vision impairment due to cataracts.

Because the symptoms can be so sneaky, you might not realize how much your vision is affected unless you know the trouble signs to look for.

At Austin Eye Clinic, our ophthalmologists and optometrists work hard to give you the best care possible. We offer state-of-the-art vision correction, including cataract surgery and LASIK, to help you maintain clear vision for your whole life span.

Today’s blog delves into the signs that you might need cataract surgery sooner than you think.

Common Signs of Cataracts

People who might need cataract surgery often notice a few key symptoms. These issues may be quite subtle initially, but before you know it, they could start disrupting your daily life and preventing you from doing the things you love.

Signs to watch for include:

  • Cloudy or foggy vision
  • Blurry vision 
  • Faded colors
  • Trouble adjusting from outdoor to indoor light
  • Increased sensitivity to glare, especially from headlights at night
  • A need for brighter light when reading or doing close-up work

Once easy tasks like reading a book or watching TV may become frustrating and challenging.

Noticing and acknowledging these signs early can help you prepare for cataract surgery, a solution that will restore clarity and ease in your daily routine.

When to Consider Cataract Surgery

As soon as you notice these symptoms, book a visit with our friendly eye care experts at Austin Eye Clinic. We provide comprehensive cataract surgery evaluations to help you determine whether it’s time to consider cataract surgery.

Your evaluation considers many factors, including the severity of the eye lens opacity, how your daily activities are affected, and your personal preferences.

In general, we may recommend surgery if your quality of life is suffering because of cataracts.

Cataract surgery isn’t only about removing the cloudiness; it’s about giving you back the confidence to see the world in full detail.

During surgery, you swap your cloudy eye lens for an intraocular lens (IOL). Your new IOL contains at least one of your prescriptions. Many patients choose premium IOLs that correct for all distances.

More than 90% of patients who choose a premium IOL live life largely glasses-free, but some may still use glasses for reading or viewing fine details.

Regardless of which IOL you choose, you can expect a dramatic improvement in vision.

Cataract Surgery Consultations in Austin

Austin Eye Clinic is known for the highest standard of cataract care. Our experienced team works with the latest technology in our beautiful modern office, making your entire experience seamless. If you notice any of the signs we discussed, call us at 512-250-2020 to schedule an appointment and reclaim your vision.