Vision Solutions 40-50

Vision Correction Surgical Solutions for Adults 40-50 Years Old – Austin Eye

Custom iLASIK: Laser Treatment for Presbyopia

As we age, we gradually lose our natural ability to adjust our focus from far to near. This normal, unavoidable condition is called presbyopia. Most adults develop presbyopia between the ages of 40 and 50 years old. If you are in this age group and have begun to notice that reading small print up-close has become difficult, presbyopia is likely the culprit.

The good news is that iLASIK, which is normally used to treat nearsightedness, farsightedness and/or astigmatism, can also be customized to treat presbyopia through a technique called monovision. Also known as blended vision, this procedure corrects one eye so that it can see in the distance and the other eye so that it can see up-close. Individuals who adapt well to monovision should not need reading glasses to see up-close or any other type of glasses to see far away, as long as both eyes are open.

Monovision works well in about 50 percent of patients who try it. The other 50 percent often still require reading glasses to see perfectly up-close because they cannot adapt to monovision. At Austin Eye, we typically offer monovision to patients who have successfully proven that they can function with monovision while wearing contact lenses.

To learn more about the changes in vision that occur due to the normal aging process, as well as how customized monovision iLASIK may be able to help, contact Austin Eye today.

Click here to see information about iLASIK.

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The Mitchel and Shannon Wong Eye Institute

The Mitchel and Shannon Wong Eye Institute

The Mitchel and Shannon Wong Eye Institute, recently created at the Dell Medical School, is poised to become a leading-edge center for training future ophthalmologists and providing patients with the best medical and surgical eye care possible.

Contact Austin Eye Today

Austin Eye

11901 Jollyville Road
Austin, TX 78759

Phone: (512) 250-2020
Fax: (512) 250-2612

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Office Hours
Monday – Thursday 8am – 6pm
Friday 8am – Noon
Saturday/Sunday Closed

Northwest Office

11901 Jollyville Road
Austin, TX 78759

Westlake Office

2700 Bee Caves Road
Austin, TX 78746

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